Vapes And Puff Bars: 3 Advantages That You need To Know About

You hear about it all over the news. You see a lot of people using it. You might have even read about its harmful effects on the internet. We're talking about alternative forms of smoking. Whether it's through vape or e-cigarettes, the potential for health benefits and a business perspective is quite significant.

Traditionally, cigarettes are the choice of smokes for a person. However, the introduction of products such as vapes, puff bars, e-cigs, juices, and other accessories are making popular rounds all over the world. Let's get one thing straight though, vapes and other similar devices won't ever replace cigarettes.

To be fair, cigarette smokers and companies shouldn't feel threatened about the emergence of vape-related products. Users on both sides have experiences that simply don't need to clash with each other, as they are unique and both pleasurable in their own right. However, always take into consideration that everything in excess is harmful, and vapes aren't exceptions.

Since vapes are relatively new on the market, a lot of people will have questions. It's only fair that we shed light on some of the benefits you can enjoy from using these types of products. Without further ado, here are some advantages you need to know about when using vapes and e-cigarettes.

A Healthier Lifestyle

The number one benefit that every vape user will tell you is that vapes are healthier than traditional cigarettes or pipes. Some even claim that vapes are virtually hazard-free due to the mechanisms and complexity these small devices have.

Although much research has to be done to zero out the health hazards of using vape safely, a lot of people swear by its safe use. And when we say "a lot of people," we mean vast numbers of the population. These facts are just hard to ignore. To have a more intricate look at what health benefits most vape users are clamoring about, let's take a look at the compositions of both cigarettes and vapes (and other related devices as well).

Both vapes and cigarettes have nicotine with them(more on that later). However, the chemicals that are in cigarettes are far too harmful than what you can find in vapes. For example, one unburnt, single cigarette stick can contain 600 ingredients. It goes even higher when you light a stick.  Burning a single stick creates up to 7,000 chemicals.

Out of those 7,000 chemicals, 69 are known carcinogens. A carcinogen is any substance that can cause cancer. Some of these chemicals are:

●           Acetone - Used as a nail polish remover

●           Lead - Used in batteries

●           Tar - Used for pavements

●           Formalin - a.k.a Formaldehyde or embalming liquid

●           Carbon monoxide - Found in the smoke of cars

●           Arsenic - Potent rat poison

●           Ammonia - Industrial-strength cleaning fluid

With all these chemicals circulating in a single cigarette stick towards your whole respiratory system, one can imagine how much harm these chemicals can do. Imagine inhaling fumes from a car? Or how about inhaling embalming fluid? The other 6,931 chemicals might not be harmful, but more research is needed to say that it can or cannot harm a human body. That's 6,931 more risks that some people aren't willing to take.

You might say that the argument in this article is one-sided because of the facts you read. However, let's get something established. Vaping and its other related activities aren't 100% risk-free, but it is way safer compared to smoking a cigarette.

As mentioned earlier, both vapes and cigarettes have nicotine in them. Nicotine is a naturally occurring substance produced by certain plants. It is a stimulant and can be highly addictive if not controlled. In most high-end cigarettes, the nicotine content can be high as 28mg, well above the prescribed level.

In vapes and other similar devices such as a puff bar, the mechanisms of the device allow the user to inhale controlled amounts of nicotine. What's more, these devices don't burn the nicotine as with cigarettes. Burning nicotine creates a lot of chemical reactions that release all the harmful chemicals associated with smoking. With vapes, it only heats the nicotine, which then becomes vapor, which can be safely inhaled.

More Affordable

A pack of cigarettes often costs $6. Puff bars are regularly priced at $7. Vapes and a single bottle of its juice can cost up to $60. You might say that cigarettes are cheaper than these alternatives; however, do remember that cigarette sticks are single use only. Most seasoned smokers can consume a single pack every day. A month's expenses on cigarettes can amount to a whopping $186. Imagine how much costs are when you've been smoking for years.

A $7 puff bar can be used up to 200 times. A vape is a one time purchase which you can use whenever you like. In vapes, you only need 1ml of juice to produce 100 puffs. Juices aren't that expensive, as most 30ml bottles are priced at $7 or even less.

More Varieties

There are markets for designer lighters and cigarettes, and a lot of people often collect them for their aesthetics. However, vapes and other devices can look just as cool. In fact, these devices are highly customizable. You can buy several parts to improve a vape's performance and looks. It's really up to the user if he or she wants a whole new experience with their vapes by customizing them.

And the variety doesn't stop with device parts. Although there are also cigarette flavors widely available, the choices with juices or liquids are numerous. Here are some flavors that you can get with juices:

●           Cucumber

●           Mango

●           Strawberry

●           Blueberry

●           Grape

●           Lychee

●           Pomegranate

●           Coffee

●           Chocolate

●           Vanilla

Some juice producers even have unique flavors such as cheesecake and pizza as flavors for their vapes. If you want a new experience with vaping, then you can try out these flavors.


As you can see, vaping and its other devices clearly have an advantage over cigarettes. For one, it's much safer to vape than to smoke. You avoid the chemicals created by burning a cigarette stick. It's also much cheaper to use puff bars and e-cigarettes.

Best of all, you can experience something unique and pleasurable due to the countless customizations you can do to your vaping devices. Even though the advantages are numerous, anything you do or consume in excess can be harmful. Enjoy vaping responsibly and live a healthy lifestyle to go along with it.