11 Highly Effective Tips for Improving the Drivability of Your Mustang in Winter

You may take it for granted that all cars are drivable. In talking about drivability, the emphasis is on the experience that the car offers you. A good car gives you peace of mind when on the road. Automotive mechanics are best placed to give you more details about the drivability of the car you feel crazy about. Therefore, feel free to ask them how they determine drivability.

They consider several factors and answer multiple questions to arrive at this conclusion, though. Several factors affect a car’s drivability, and these include weather. Fortunately, you can always improve the drivability of your car, including the Mustang. Below are crucial tips for making your car more drivable during winter.

1)     Inspecting the tires

Mustang isn't immune to the challenges of winter drivability. Its tires are just as prone to sliding as those in any other car. The harsh road conditions in winter could give you a terrible time on the road. When driving, you're forced to be mindful of ice, snow, sand, and salt that worsen the conditions further. Therefore, you should consider fitting it with snow tires.

2)     Checking the battery

Mustangs are unlikely to start if the battery is dead. This phenomenon is quite common in winter because of all the cold temperatures. Consequently, don't get into your car to drive it out of the garage or parking lot before checking the battery. It's not impossible to check the battery. Ask a qualified mechanic to do it for you if you doubt yourself.

There are several ways of checking the battery, which include:

a)     Using a voltmeter (It should give you a reading of 12 volts to show that the battery is in good condition.)

b)     Performing the headlights test by revving the car (If the battery is good, the headlights won't change brightness as you rev the Mustang.)

c)     Performing the load test to ascertain the battery's ability to maintain 9.6 volts for 15 seconds

d)     Using a power probe

3)     Changing oil

Don't wait until winter to change your oil. Remember to change it as early as possible before the onset of winter. Infrequent oil changes may result in your vehicle being junk oil, also dirty filter are bad news for the car. They cause multiple problems, too. For example, the car will emit plenty of smoke, which might lead traffic authorities to arrest you or detain the car for air pollution.

4)     Evaluating the cooling system

How is the cooling system working? Before answering this question, you should start by changing your anti-freeze. Most importantly, take the car to your automotive mechanic to flush the cooling system. While at it, remember to check all the hoses and belts, too. Generally, you'd be safe to drive the car in winter if it has a 50/50 mixture of water and anti-freeze.

5)     Inspecting brakes

With the winter fast approaching, the last thing you need is for the brakes to malfunction. For this reason, prioritize their inspection. Otherwise, you'd be in for the wildest ride of your life when winter sets in. Take a keen interest in the brakes when driving, and rush the car to your mechanic if you sense any trouble with them.

6)     Invest in winter wipers.

Driving in snowy conditions exposes your windscreen to plenty of slush from the passing vehicles. Because of this, you'd be spending your money wisely when you buy winter wipers. Winter wipers are much superior. At the ridiculously low winter temperatures, they retain their flexibility, too, which is impossible to notice with the normal wipers.

7)     Get cold weather washer fluids.

Washer fluids are different from the usual water you use. They are more effective in hazy conditions, which are quite rampant in winter. Dirty windshields are also impossible to clean with nothing but water alone. Therefore, get these fluids for without them, you'd be increasing your chances of being involved in a fatal road accident due to poor visibility.

8)     Look at the exhaust.

You're more likely to keep your windows closed during winter because of the incredibly low temperatures. That's bad if your exhaust leaks, as the gas can find its way into the car and put you to sleep, which portends a major risk to all road users. Again, let your mechanic check the exhaust system to ascertain that no leak is present. Factors that cause leaks include:

a)     Condensation

b)     Catalytic converter

c)     Engine heat

d)     Faulty piston

9)     Install proper lights.

Are the headlights and brake lights on your Mustang working well? Winter is the worst possible moment to discover that none of the lights functions as properly as you thought. Remember, you need to see the road clearly in winter. Your lights enable you to do that. Further, you need other road users to see your Mustang, too, especially when you brake.

10)  Fill the tanks.

It's normal to travel long distances throughout the year. However, the atrocious conditions that winter presents mean you should only do so with a full tank. Fill the tank even if you have no plan of traveling long distances. Additionally, full tanks prevent frozen gas lines. On the other hand, empty tanks are susceptible to the build-up of condensation.

11)  Carry bags of sand.

You're not crazy or sick to travel with at least one bag of sand in your car. That's because rear-wheel drives are renowned for their poor traction on slick roads. A 100-ton bag of sand will do wonders for you by ensuring that the Mustang’s rear-end grips the road firmly. The presence of the bag of sand doesn't give you a license to drive recklessly, though. 

Lastly, none of these would work if you drive unprepared. Be ready for the harshest and strangest conditions on the road. That said, you increase your chances of arriving at your destination in one piece if you observe the above tips, including performing a Coyote Swap Kit from Revology. Do you need more details on this? Talk to the experts at Revology today.