Retailers: Changing the Mother’s Day Norm

For moms across the country, Mother’s Day has become a celebrated tradition – if not an incredibly predictable one.  It’s supposed to be the one day a year where kids rise to the occasion and finally shower mom with the love and gratitude she deserves. In reality, it’s often forgotten about until the last minute, and the gifts moms receive are as stale as they’ve ever been. A big reason for that? Retailers pushing the same old-same old for Mother’s Day year after year.

A recent study by The Pearl Source, one of the largest jewelry etailers in the country, took a look at the dichotomy between what moms across the country actually want for Mother’s Day versus what they tend to receive. In results that should surprise no retailer, flowers, candy, and greeting cards are out. Tech, jewelry, and luxury items are in.

The Kids

First, more than 50% of survey respondents didn't know the date of Mother’s Day. Perhaps not that surprising. But those same respondents also didn’t know their mother's favorite restaurant, flower, or color. And some couldn’t recall her birthday without referencing a calendar.

60% of the respondents also said they waited to buy a gift for Mother’s Day until about a week before the holiday, while 27% wait until the day before or even the day of. The point? Retailers cannot rely on long, drawn out campaigns – nor the opinions of mom’s offspring – to effectively sell during the holiday.

What Mom Wants

In a poll of 1,000 mothers across the U.S., the answer was pretty clear. First and foremost, mom wants tech – iPads, smartphones, smart speakers, Bluetooth headphones, you name it. This is a far cry from the flowers, clothing, and cards retailers typically push around this time of year. Jewelry came in a close second, followed by luxury lifestyle services, like spa treatments, facials and more.

With this in mind, retailers would be wise to stock up on the following: 

Digital Home Assistants

Be it Alexa or Google Home, moms want convenience and ease in the house. Smart speakers bring a bit of both to the table. Furthermore, they are easy purchases for kids and husbands – affordable, easy to select (not too many varying options), and, for the most part, have big margins.

Bluetooth headphones

Mom is no different when it comes to her listening preferences. Nobody wants to be bothered with tangled wires. Retailers of all kinds – not just electronics stores – have done a good job keeping Bluetooth headphones on their shelves. You can’t even walk into a pharmacy these days without coming across a selection of headphones near the checkout counter. Good thing, too, because most kids fess up that they wait until a day or two before to snag mom a gift for Mother’s Day.

Haircare gadgets

From straighteners to the blowers, every mom will love a collection of new haircare gadgets. These thigns have gotten more technologically advanced as the years have rolled on, with some offering pin straight hair without the use of harsh heat or chemicals.


Tried and true. However, it comes with a big caveat. Studies have shown that consumers are often tapped out from holiday spending and Valentine’s Day by the time Mother’s Day rolls around. Therefore, it’s prudent for retailers to carry the right kind of jewelry at the right price point. Gifts under $100 bucks often sell well around this time of year; save the $2,500 necklaces for the holiday shopping rush. You’d be hard pressed to find children shopping for mom at that price point. A simple pair of stud earrings will do just fine.


Again, big caveat here. If you’re going to stock home and/or self-care products, don’t be so cliché about it. Gone are the days where mom was content with a run-of-the-mill foot bath or back massager. Tech has come a long way, so retailers should stock the latest and greatest. Furthermore, the margins on these products are exceptional.

Kitchen accessories

Careful with this one. Stocking toasters and blenders isn’t going to help you, as survey results show that moms don’t really want home appliances (have you ever bought you’re mom a vacuum for Mother’s Day? If so, did you live to tell about it?). Instead, focus on true gadgetry. Nifty attachments for stand mixers, like spiralizers and pasta rollers, have proven popular in past years. Smart thermometers and other “smart” gadgets play well into mom’s desire for tech this year.