
Laundry is an essential part of our daily lives. We put on new clothes each day. Once the day comes to an end, we take off these clothes and toss them into the laundry bin. As our used clothes pile up, we get the signal that laundry time is around the corner. To some people, this a fun moment to look forward to - time to give our used clothes a fresh look and feel. However, to others, this is a nightmare they dread. Many of these individuals encounter several problems washing and drying their clothes and towels, of which includes static clothing - this is mostly encountered when clothes are packed together in the tumble-dryer and rub against one another as they are dried. If you fall into the latter category, then here is a solution: the use of reusable dryer balls. To understand how this unique and effective laundry product is used, we need to know what it is.

What Are Reusable Dryer Balls?

Reusable dryer balls, also known as wool dryer balls, are used to dry clothes in a short time. How do they work? They are placed in the tumble-dryer along with used cloth items. As these clothes are being dried, they are separated by the dryer balls, allowing more airflow within the unit. Additionally, they help retain heat needed to dry the clothes in no time, while preserving the machine from wear and tear. So, not only do reusable dryer balls preserve your clothes, but they also preserve your tumble-dryer. With wool dryer balls, you are guaranteed an awesome laundry experience.

Type Of Reusable Dryer Balls

Dryer balls are available in different sizes and materials; they include the wool dryer balls, plastic dryer balls, and rubber dryer balls. One of these products stands out from the rest: the wool dryer balls. Do you know why? They are made from organic materials and are less noisy compared to the others. When compared to dryer sheets, wool dryer balls stand out as well, as they contain no chemicals or toxic substances. You can safely dry and use your clothes with no worries. Let’s further take a look at some of the benefits of reusable dryer balls.

Benefits Of Reusable Dryer Balls

If you are considering improving your laundry experience, then reusable dryer balls are the way to go. Here are some of the benefits that come with reusable dryer balls in your laundry.

1. Wool Dryer Balls Are Environmentally Safe

Due to the short amount of drying time wool dryer balls provide, it is easy to save natural gas and electricity consumption. Also, they do not contain chemicals that are harmful to an individual’s health, unlike dryer sheets. Liquid fabric softeners can contaminate water with toxic chemicals, while chemicals from dryer sheets are vented into the air, leading to air pollution.

2. Wool Dryer Balls Are Efficient

Wool dryers are very effective in giving you the best result during laundry. If you are tired of wrinkled or static clothes and need a change, then wool dryer balls offer the change you need. They help soften your clothes, making it easy to iron them.