How Increased Mobile Device Ownership Affects Online Retail In Canada [Infographic]

Mobile device ownership is growing substantially, having increased by 24% to 68% of the Canadian population. To answer the question of how this affects shopping habits, Bronto Software recently asked more than 1,000 Canadian shoppers how they shop across desktop and mobile devices. Some of the most significant findings include:

  • Canadians embrace online shopping – 66% of shoppers will shop online at least once a month, and 26% shop online every week,
  • Gen-Xers are a ripe audience – Today’s 30-somethings are the most active weekly shoppers, with 18-29 year olds coming a close second, and 
  • Men shop more often than you might think – 30% of Canadian men shop online weekly, compared to only 22% of women.

 Below is an infographic with Bronto's findings.