Retailers: Retail Week Sign-Up Ends Friday, September 4

Retailer registration for University of Alberta's School of Retailing's Retail Week ends Friday. Taking place between October 5 and October 9 in Edmonton, Retail Week is Canada's largest student-focused industry event.

Retailers will be particularly interested in the Wednesday, October 7 Career Fair, taking place on campus. You'll meet some of Canada's brightest retail industry-focused students, eager to secure positions with top companies. Be sure to bring your greatest ideas and your most energetic human capital. For more information and to sign up, contact Emily Salsbury at:

On Monday October 5, Retail Insider's Craig Patterson will host a lunch for University of Alberta School of Business graduates. He'll discuss the future of the Canadian retail industry, as well as retail education. To attend, School of Business alumni may reach Craig directly at:

On the evening of Tuesday, October 6, Retail Council of Canada is hosting a MySTORE MySTORY Roadshow event. The founders of iconic Edmonton-based retailer Audrey's Books (Sharon and Steve Budnarchuk) will speak on the topic of successfully running a book retailer in the digital age, including related risks and challenges. Networking opportunities exist, and you may sign up here. For those in Calgary on Wednesday, October 7, Rocky Mountain Soap Company co-owner Karina Birch will discuss her company's phenomenal success at Retail Council of Canada's MySTORE MySTORY event in that city, and you may sign up and learn more here

On Thursday, October 8, School of Retailing's Consulting Group (SOR|CG) will lunch with School of Retailing's distinguished Advisory Board. Following the lunch will be a two hour networking session with our retailers who have travelled in from across the country and even the United States.

On Friday, October 9, School of Retailing's many real estate partners are thrilled to host students to expand their knowledge of commercial real estate, property management and leasing. Details of office and mall tours to follow. 

University of Alberta's School of Retailing is at the forefront of retail trends, preparing Canada's brightest retail industry-focused students for careers in the industry. We're honoured to be part of it, and encourage everyone to get involved.  

Here's a professional video from last year's Retail Week and as well, below is a visual of some of the retailers and other entities who attended Retail Week 2014. 

For more information, visit