Real-Time Communications Drives Relationships & Business
/By: Eric Nykamp, CEO, RAANGE Inc.
Customers are demanding more from your relationship - experiences, personalization and real-time information.
This throws all of our learned notions and tactics into the garbage. We need to look past traditional, clunky communications and marketing tactics, and focus on refined personalized communications.
Let Customer Relationships Drive Your Business
Retailers and brands can build a full-cycle relationship with customers on the foundation of Personalized Everyday Communications.
Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) is a strategy for managing relationships and interactions with customers: from consideration, to purchase, to loyalty. It increases the success rate of starting, growing and fostering long-term relationships. Placing Personalized Everyday Communications and Consumer Preferences at the heart of the CLM process will convert consumers into your next generation of trusted brand ambassadors.
Connect Brick-and-Mortar to Online Channels
CLM is an omnichannel experience providing retailers and brands with quick and easy tools to attract new clients. Motivate customers to take action with real-time incentives. Build relationships with new acquisitions by connecting brick-and-mortar to online channels. Give consumers a reason to return with purposeful personalized communications and offers and deals shared in real-time.
It’s about getting consumers the information they want, using their preferred channel of communication and delivering it at the right time.
CLM Elements
Reach - Get Their Attention.
Communicate - Secure Them As A Client.
Engage - Build A Relationship.
Retain - Keep Them Interested & Loyal
ReCapture - Recover Opt-ed Out Contacts
The Results
Database Growth Potential
Upswing in Sales
Reduction in Opt-Out Rate
Higher Conversion Rates
RAANGE’s robust technology and offerings can implement core CLM elements into your customer experience, to improve communication touch points from consideration to purchase to loyalty.
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