How Canadian Retailers Can Make Store Managers More Productive
/image: kronos
By Retail Insider
Store managers are critical to retail operations, and the success or failure of a store ultimately lies with them. Store managers are also the most influential people in an employee’s work life, and can make or break the employee experience, which is critical to a retailer’s success.
Workforce innovation company Kronos has released an eBook that is available for download, laying out how retailers can make the job of a store manager easier, so they can be most productive.
The eBook sets out a clear Five-Step Plan as a path for increased manager productivity.
The Kronos eBook even suggests working in a manager’s shoes for a day, to learn the day-to-day realities of store managers. That kind of insight helps determine what an ideal day might look like for a store manager, with a goal of streamlining or simplifying tasks and responsibilities. Happy and productive store managers have a positive impact on the entire retail operation, from reducing employee turnover to increasing customer retention.
Download the eBook to gain new insights into how store managers can become most productive, and keep their stores running smoothly and profitably.
For more information on Kronos workforce management solutions, visit
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