Downtown Retailers and Businesses Struggle in Canada Amid Lack of Office Workers and Tourists
/A staggering decline in foot traffic in some downtowns will severely impact businesses, many of which will not survive.
Read MoreA staggering decline in foot traffic in some downtowns will severely impact businesses, many of which will not survive.
Read MoreNearly 80% of businesses say they will not be able to pay rent in July and a high percentage are doomed to fail. Reopening poses its own challenges and expenses and BIA groups are trying to come up with solutions.
Read MoreThe goal is to build and launch 4,000 online stores over the next three months.
Read MoreThe initiative aims to save small retailers and other businesses that are struggling, and is supported by many including Mayor John Tory.
Read MoreAs many physical stores have been mandated to close, associations are stepping up to help retailers get online at a critical time.
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