Clearly Contacts Opening its First Retail Store in Vancouver

Image: Clearly Contacts. Model: Trevor Linden
Discount contact lense/eye glass retailer Clearly Contacts is opening a retail storefront at 1049-51 Robson Street in Downtown Vancouver. This is the first of what may become multiple store locations for the company.

Their parent company, was founded in Vancouver in the year 2000 and is one of North America's largest glasses and contact lens retailers, with over $180million in sales in 2011.

We stumbled across the store's future storefront while shopping on Vancouver's Robson Street this weekend. A post-stroll google search produced a link to the Vancouver Skyscraper Forum, where poster VanK posted a link to job postings for the retail shop.

The retail space at 1049-51 Robson Street was formerly occupied by a Little Burgundy shoe store.

We'll keep in touch with the company and monitor the success of their retail storefront (it will probably do well - we plan on buying glasses there).  We'll let readers know if more Clearly Contacts stores will be opening in Canada.

Clearly Contacts website:

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