Zadig & Voltaire Coming to Canada

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French clothing retailer Zadig & Voltaire will open men's and women's shop-in-store locations inside of Holt Renfrew stores in Toronto (50 Bloor Street West), Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal. 

Zadig & Voltaire was started in 1997 by the grandson of the founder of Lacoste. The brand's products are in the 'contemporary' or 'bridge' price ranges. The brand has become popular and is considered to be 'fashion forward'.
[Image Source]
Zadig & Voltaire has stores around the world, both free-standing and shop-in-store concessions. The company has five free-standing American stores, and has shop-in-store concessions at nine American Bloomingdale's locations. 

Zadig & Voltaire is currently advertising store supervisor employment positions for their Holt Renfrew-based stores. Some of these job postings are at this link

We will keep you updated on this company, including if other Zadig & Voltaire stores will be opening in Canada.

Thank you to our insider sources, ACT7 of Urban Toronto and Marc Adams for providing us with this article's information.

Zadig & Voltaire website:

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