The following article is by Erik Knight, founder of His bio is provided at the end of this article.
Approximately 15
million US residents have their identities used fraudulently each year with a
financial loss totaling upwards of $50 billion. Consumer Reports, a nonprofit
consumer watchdog organization, issued a news statement urging online shoppers
to proceed with caution when taking advantage of Cyber Monday sales, and other
online deals, this holiday season.
The government also recently claimed that 1 out of
every 14 Americans age 16 or older was a target or a victim of identity theft,
a crime imposing a heavy emotional toll on many of its victims. Those numbers
are staggering.
According to a national household survey of
70,000 people issued by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, identity theft
resulted in $24.7 billion in financial losses last year. The crime affected
16.6 million people and fell most heavily on households with annual incomes of
$75,000 or more. In that income bracket, 10 percent of such households were
So where should
consumers start when protecting their identities?
One background search
engine allows you to sift through public records, social media sites and
directories to yield a wealth of information in one spot, for free. The site,
called DirtSearch can easily find public records on friends, family or loved
ones. Recently, the site has expanded into the Canadian market. Consumers may
use a background search site such as DirtSearch for a variety of reasons from
inquiring about criminal records, civil suits, probate records, to property
ownership records and identity theft protection.
Erik Knight, founder
and owner of, says that every
consumer should take preventative measures to avoid identity theft such as:
Set Alerts on Yourself: It is important to know what information
about you exists on the web and to ensure it is accurate. Maybe you have the
same name as someone with a sketchy past or maybe someone has stolen your
identity without you realizing it. Search yourself often to know what
information is assessable about you.
Get a PO Box that is not in the same zip code as your house: Change the
address and send all of your credit card billing statements to that PO Box so
that if someone were to steal your wallet or purse; they don't know the zip code
associated with the credit card. This is generally required for big purchases.
Most people have the same zip code listed on their driver's license defeating
the credit card security measure.
Set your insurance address for the PO Box: If someone were to
steal your car at the mall this holiday season, they know you are not home and
your address is listed on your insurance card.
Set your vehicle registration mailing address to the PO Box: For the same reason as
your insurance card, don't give crooks more information!
Change the deed on your house: In addition, change the to a trust that has
nothing to do with your name. Make sure they update your tax mailing address to
the PO Box as well. This will keep anyone from finding your property under your
your information online: When shopping online make sure account
numbers and passwords are not easily floating around. The most common password
is ‘password’, and that is easily hackable. Make sure you are changing your
password often and to one that is not so obvious.
Clear your logins and passwords: If you have been working on a public computer, you
need to do this. Change logins and passwords monthly.
Pay for online purchases with your credit card: Which has better guarantees under federal law than
your online payment services or your debit card.
your credit report often: Make
sure you are keeping track of your credit reports. You are entitled to a free
credit report very year from each of the three bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). Request one every at least twice
or three times a year, changing bureaus each time.
control of your personal identity can help avoid a world of hassle during the stressful
holiday season. If you detect fraudulent activity, contact your financial
institution immediately.
Erik Knight |
Erik Knight, founder of is an identify theft expert and entrepreneur. After a number of people asked him to find
information on people their significant others were dating through public
records he wanted one place where people could go for free. Today, DirtSearch
has continued to grow and improve its accuracy and is the only free online
"Background Check" website in the world. The site is fully automated
and takes a few minutes to search what would normally take hours or days by
hand. Over 130K people a month nationwide use DirtSearch.