Nordstrom is the number one brand on Pinterest

With over 4.4 million followers, Nordstrom is the number one brand followed on Pinterest. With Nordstrom's imminent arrival into Canada (its first Canadian store opens in Calgary this September), Canadian retailers must recognize the importance of social media.

For those unfamiliar, Pinterest is a photo sharing website. Users may create and manage theme-based image collections. Users may browse other pinboards for images and 'repin' them to their own pinboards, or 'like' photos. Its popularity continues to grow substantially, and it now boasts over 70 million users.

[Image Source]
Digital Insights analysed Pinterest and came up with some interesting numbers. Almost 70% of Pinterest users are female, and 57% of all posts are food-related. 80% of Pinterest's pins are 'repins'. Only 6% of Pinterest users have connected their pages to their Facebook accounts.

Photo: Nordstrom
Nordstrom has taken Pinterest one step further. Popular items on Pinterest are displayed in-store with a red tag (see above photo). And Pinterest is paying off. A source at Nordstrom tells us that the retailer is enjoying tremendous success with its Pinterest experiment. Pinterest shoppers tend to spend more than users referred from other social media, and Nordstrom appears to be on the forefront of this trend.


[Nordstrom on Pinterest]