Factors That Led To the Rise of the Canadian Education System in the World Rankings
/Education has always been the primary way through which we, as human beings, pass knowledge not only to one another but to subsequent generations. Traditionally, those with the know-how on how to perform different activities are tasked with the responsibility of imparting this knowledge to those who don’t. It is through this method that different cultures around the world have been able to not only keep but also grow and maintain their traditions.
The goal of the educational process mostly remains the same despite significant changes in how education is imparted. All this is tailored at ensuring that those without the necessary know-how have a channel through which they can acquire the knowledge. It is all centered at bettering the individual through allowing them to be able to skills that otherwise did not possess.
It would be best if you realized that education has always been transforming. For instance, the earliest form of learning was where knowledge was passed through word of mouth. After that, this system underwent significant changes until it reached the stage where education was conducted by formal set-ups by a professional. This is what we referred to as modern education.
However, you should be aware that this is changing too. Technological developments have created a new system where education is being conducted through the internet. This means that traditional four-walled classrooms are no longer a critical part of the process. This is because any student with an internet connection can get to learn from whatever location they are.
Via the internet, the modern student does not only have an easy and quick way of connecting with the tutor. They can also access the studying materials that they require at the click of a button. Any student can be able to connect with a custom writing service any time they find that the assignment they have been given is too complicated for them to attend to on their own.
A few years back, if you would have checked to see which are the top-performing education systems in the world, you would have most likely found the usual suspects. By this, we mean the traditional “powerhouses” when it comes to sound education systems. This list usually used to include
Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea, and China.
Nordic countries like Finland, Norway and
International superpowers like the USA and UK.
However, recently, a new education powerhouse has steadily been climbing the charts. This country is known as Canada. The recent international ranking has placed Canada at number ten, even higher than the United States and the UK. Many factors have led to the rapid growth of the Canadian education system. These factors include;
Equal Chances
Canadian education is primarily “literacy-based.” It means that students are usually given chances of attending particular schools based on their education prowess only. The financial ability of the student is never a factor. In this manner, it means that all students, no matter their economic background, are given equal chances when it comes to joining top schools. The Canadian high league table ranking is a system that significantly reflects the narrow socio-economic gap in school results. It shows that the system gives no discrimination between advantaged and disadvantaged students.
Unique Control of The Educational Sector
Compared to other countries, including the United States, Canada does not have a national/ centralized ministry of education. The Canadian education system is divided into three territories and ten provinces. Each of these territories and provinces has its minister of education. These leaders often meet together and set the agenda on how the country's universal curriculum should be pursued. This is very beneficial. It allows the ministers to tailor an education system that speaks to the uniqueness and specific needs of the people of his or her region. Which, in turn, renders the system very effective.
Better Pay For Teachers
This may seem farfetched, but it is a fact. In Canada, teachers are usually paid 85% of the GDP per capita compared to 72% earned by their counterparts in the US. Even though it is an apparent thought that merely throwing money at any project is not a guarantee that it will work, having great pay for teachers highly helps retain them. This means that higher-paying jobs in the economy do not simply cripple the education sector by robbing it of its most qualified personnel.
These are but some of the steps that made Canada an educational powerhouse. The list is very long. We have highlighted a few to give you an idea of how the country climbed the ranks. Education is a vital sector of our lives. Remember, it is only through this system that we ensure that we have qualified personnel to help better our country in the future. Therefore, we should take it upon ourselves to ensure that education systems are improved.