Sample Reading As the Key Step to Excellent Writing
/The role samples play in developing students’ writing skills is mostly underestimated. Many will state that studying paper samples is merely a waste of time one could spend on actual practicing or looking for custom research paper help, which is the last resort for students incapable of engaging in academic writing. The thing is, no writing practice is effective without the proper preparation, which is realized through reading samples.
To learn how to equip your essay to meet the standards of academic writing, you are supposed to see the way professional writers do this. As you carefully go through their expert works, you’ll develop the perception of how a solid piece of writing should be created, from formatting to highlighting the main point. That being said, don’t miss out on checking out the educational sample we have included in this article.
The Coconut Tree, regarded as the “tree of life,” is the most productive plant for the reason that people utilize almost every part of it to become a useful resource. Products such as milk, oil, and soap are extracted from the wonder tree, as are household tools similar to the broom and brush. Focusing on the consumables, they bring positive effects to human health. However, these products can also inflict possible threats to our body. This essay will concentrate on discussing two major products from coconuts: oil and milk, along with their positive and negative impacts on the human body.
The production of coconut oil and milk starts in the extraction of the coconut meat, white flesh inside the shell, though the production goes in different ways. Coconut milk is made from soaking fresh coconut flesh in warm water and extracting the saturated part. The oil comes from copra, a by-product of drying the flesh of the coconut. Both products can have positive health effects. The milk is a rich source of energy and fat, comprising approximately 48 grams of fat in one cup of serving. It also contains a large amount of iron. The intake of one cup of coconut milk can supply 42 to 94 percent of the daily iron needs of the body, which can help in the repairing of cells and circulation of oxygen in our blood. It also contains a moderate amount of zinc, which is essential for building body immunity.
The oil, considered as a superfood, has various health benefits as well. It is rich in fatty acids, which are quite different from any other saturated fats. The fats in coconut oil, also called medium-chain triglycerides, which are different from most fats called long-chain triglycerides, produce a large amount of energy in the body and assist further in increasing burned calories. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, which creates a substance called monolaurin, which is responsible for eradicating unwanted and harmful pathogens.
Most people usually think that coconut products are essential for human health. However, certain elements of the milk and oil, especially the fat, can put someone into harm if not moderately guided. Both of the products are rich in fat, with a fat content of approximately 90 percent. Too much consumption of these fats poses a high risk, significantly affecting cardiovascular functions. They are also responsible for conditions such as excessive weight gain, fatty liver, and gout due to cholesterol. The milk can lead to calcium deficiency, especially if the drinker is lactose intolerant. A person with a tree nut allergy should strictly avoid coconut milk because they have the same properties as tree nuts, which is fatal. However, a review made in 2017 by the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests the ingredient isn’t nearly as healthy as we think. The AHA confirmed that reducing overall saturated fat intake by swapping foods like coconut oil is an effective way to reduce cardiovascular disease. Coconut oil is a particularly high component in saturated fat for foods containing polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats.
Anything disproportionately consumed is always a threat. The same goes for coconut products. These products are healthy since they contain essential minerals and elements like zinc, iron, and fats that our body needs. However, an excessive intake of these products can impose danger in our body, or worse, death. Everything should be taken moderately with restraint and self-control, especially when it comes to the consumption of food. Moderation in usage is the key to a healthy and enjoyable life.
Contributing to a healthy lifestyle, try not to overdo with eating and cooking only with the help of coconut oil. Although coconut oil contains vitamin E, it doesn’t contain fiber and is not enriched with other vitamins or minerals. The small amount of concentrated coconut oil can be used in traditional medicine, herbal medicament, cosmetology, and cooking. One of the highly demanded products is coconut sugar made from coconut palm sap. This type of product contains a fiber called inulin, which may slow glucose absorption. It explains why coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index than regular table sugar. Even though coconut sugar contains some nutrients, real foods would be more beneficial.
Coconut sugar, the same as regular sugar, is high in calories, and people have to eat an absurd amount of it to satisfy the need for the contained nutrients. Coconut sugar is high in fructose. Evidence suggests that a high intake of this monosaccharide may stimulate metabolic syndrome in obese people.
In other cooking purposes, people continue using coconut oil. Mind adding it to meals, because fat-rich foods like coconut oil may increase stomach volume, inducing greater sensations of fullness than low-fat meals.
Scientists have also shown that eating foods rich in saturated fats may induce greater fullness than eating foods rich in monounsaturated fats. However, other studies have concluded that fatty acid saturation levels don’t influence feelings of fullness. Therefore, it is unclear if choosing coconut oil instead of different types of fats is more beneficial for inducing feelings of fullness.
In any case, products made from coconut have more advantages than detriments. For example, coconut oil can prevent tooth loss and decay, killing lactobacillus and streptococcus mutants. Coconut water has antioxidant properties, and coconut milk affects weight and metabolism. Everyone has a varying level of sensitivity to different products, so consulting such specialists as a nutritionist, personal therapist, and allergist is necessary before introducing coconut into your daily diet.
Remember that coconut products are not the only way to improve your health. It is necessary to consult your personal doctor before using any product described earlier.