AI-Powered Technology Enables a Hyper-Personalized Gotengo Online Experience
/Varying levels of customer customization and a wider breadth of selection helps to fill needs in an underserved Canadian menswear market.
Read MoreVarying levels of customer customization and a wider breadth of selection helps to fill needs in an underserved Canadian menswear market.
Read MoreCompanies such as Predictmedix are working with retailers to make spaces safer in a new world amid the unexpected pandemic.
Read MoreThe head of RCC and retail futurist Doug Stephens explain how successful stores will be experiential with AI creating efficiencies in supply chain and customer interface.
Read MoreTwo engineers developed the futuristic technology that can take measurements remotely without in-person visits.
Read MoreThe publicly traded company is expected to see its share price explode as it rolls out artificial intelligence screening technology with a wide range of uses for retail and other industries.
Read MoreAn innovative company explains how review data should lead marketing strategies for retailers and other businesses today.
Read MoreAn industry expert looks ahead to the next 10 years, after reviewing significant changes that we've seen over the past decade.
Read MoreAn industry expert explains how Amazon and other players are shifting consumer expectations and while online is growing quickly, physical retail is still critical with AI set to provide more insights into retail trends.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois explains how the consumer experience in Canadian grocery retailers could transform to become ‘frictionless’, and that interactions with store employees could be eliminated altogether. However there are still some challenges associated with a major roll-out, he says.
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