Grocery Supplier Fees Harm Food Manufacturers and Independent Grocers: Expert
/Sylvain Charlebois says that a code of practice is required to save the industry, and if nothing is done the consumer will also suffer.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois says that a code of practice is required to save the industry, and if nothing is done the consumer will also suffer.
Read MoreExpert Sylvain Charlebois discusses why grocery prices have risen faster than inflation, and what’s to come.
Read MoreRetail expert Sylvain Charlebois explains how things have changed since the first shutdown in the spring.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois explains how the industry collapse has broader implications.
Read MoreCOVID-19 has changed consumer behaviours and grocery retailers have to adapt to the new normal.
Read MoreExpert Sylvain Charlebois explains how the process was a waste of time and how the industry messed up the bonus system initially.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois says the temporary increased costs made operating grocery stores almost unprofitable.
Read MoreThe retail expert says that despite negative inflation, we’re in for a wild ride at the grocery store as COVID-19 has a lasting effect.
Read MoreWith the major economic slowdown ahead of us, analysts believe overall inflation will drop significantly according to industry expert Sylvain Charlebois.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois discusses the challenges grocery retailers are facing as consumers avoid regular trips to stores while increasingly turning to online channels.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois explains how touchy consumers may be overreacting amid misinformation as the industry finds its way at a challenging time.
Read MoreThe industry expert says that governments are stepping in, though in some instances they may not know what they're doing.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois says that we are entering a crucial period in the pandemic as governments keep the borders open. More than ever, cooler heads need to prevail.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois discusses a study that found an already huge increase in online grocery shopping among Canadians amid the pandemic, while at the same time consumers are avoiding physical retail out of fear of infection.
Read MoreSylvain Charlebois discusses changing consumer preferences across generational groups which represents a significant ongoing shift.
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